D-135 Jun. 26(Thur.) ~ 28(Sat.), 2025
According to the regulations of the Information and Communication Network Act, we inform you that the items of personal information, the purpose of collecting and using personal information, and the retention and use period of personal information will be collected from those who download the file, so please read it carefully and agree.
1. Items of personal information : Company Name, Name, Phone Number, E-mail, etc.
2. Korea International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (KIECO), the organizer of Busan Int'l Wines & Spirits Expo collects personal information to inform all the upcoming events organized by KIECO, and demonstrate visitor statistics.
3. Use of personal information and retention period In principle, after the purposes of collecting and using personal information have been fulfilled, the company shall, without delay, destroy relevant information provided. However, in a case that the company needs to preserve the information, the company keeps provided information under the regulations of related laws for a certain period of time.
※ It is not used for purposes other than those agreed by the personal information provider. As a general rule, you have the right to deny your consent to collect personal information under the Personal information Protection Act and if denied, you will be restricted to download the documents.